We start off in a shop's storeroom and make our way back to the Toy Box. After entering the house we throw the Train into the Toy Box itself. It somehow doesn't shrink and convieniently lands perfectly on the tracks. We enter the Toy Box ourselves and then talk to the now happy train conductor. We use one of the weird switches to aim in the direction of the Pink Station. After our ride over there, we get out and find a Mailbag in a nearby treasure chest and then move to the nearest exit looking thing. Then we see a scene of Kammy Koopa failing once again by guarding a chest with a fairly useful item. We battle through the obstacles and make it to the chest where we find the Rage and a Frying Pan. Must be a useful one seeing as it was being purposely guarded so i head over to the left to explore a bit. I find a dead end thanks to some fat ass Shy Guy who doesn't like my cooking. We head back and make our way to the house Tayce T. She takes the Frying Pan that i happened to find and then somehow bakes a cake on it.... Alrighty then. We help out the sad disgrace to society badge shop owner by giving him his Calculator that he depends so much on, back. We head over to the post office and give the massive bag of mail that has the entire world's mail in back and get a tiny reward. Enjoy :P
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