Saturday, July 23, 2011

Paper Mario LP: Chapter 4: Part 1

In this one we head off and we're stopped by Twink who tells us something we already know. We get past him and enter the mysterious house that appears to have nothing in it and hide using Bow. A Shy Guy comes in shortly after acting slightly suspicious then opens a secret door that convieniently leads to a Toy Box in which the Shy Guys live. We enter the box and move onwards. Shortly after that we save and head to the playground area. We fight our first battle with Shy Guys shortly after we get on the path and it's certainly and easy battle.This chapter shouldn't be too hard. We head over to the playground to find various toy blocks, doohickies, thingamobobs and, ironically, an abacus... We head over to the Shy Guy that has the Calculator and chase him into a corner that makes him curls into the fetal position XD. We defeat him and steal back the calculator. We go back to the station where we started and talk to the badass pissed conductor person. We confirm his awesomeness and then head down to the right and watch a scene where Kammy Koopa guards a treasure chest... with a mushroom... We continue on and fight through the obstacles. After we obtain the Storage key we head out of the box into someone's house seeing as i had a temporary daydream and lapse of judgement. I realize my mistake and head over to the Storage Room next door to steal the shop owner's items :P Enjoy :P

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